Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 11 - Prepping for india

Tuesday should be a pretty easy day, menu wise. Yelana want's to make Adobo and maybe one other Philippine special, so if you're interested in seeing what "home-girl" can make, start planning to help her this evening.

The other part of the day is thinking ahead for the Indian menu. each station will have some prep listed on the tracking schedule, but if you look ahead and want/can prep anything else to make your 1st day of India less stressful. Bread dough for naan, puris, samoosas can all be made ahead - MAKE SURE to talk to me about it before you start - there are slight changes to make in the recipes if you're making it a day in advance. We need to make fresh yogurt and drain some existing yogurt over night - if you need "drained yogurt" for an Indian recipe, talk to me and we can set it up to drain in the cooler.

Basically, do your research for India so that we can talk and plan together on Tuesday - Day 12 is notoriously difficult if you don't plan ahead.

Hope you're all having a great weekend. I'm typing this less than 100 feet from the Atlantic ocean. Just had 2 Lobster Rolls for Breakfast, and am getting ready to go body surfing. Yahoooo!


  1. Chef, There was a lot of left over Pad Thai on Friday should i reduce the portions prepped for service, 4x gave 20 portions, should I reduce it to 15 or leave it as is?

  2. No, do 4x again. Tuesday will be more busy than the day before a break and more BPS students will be on Campus on a Tuesday

  3. Boo yah!.. I'm a homie.. :) anyhow.. Patricio and I went to this Asian Festival and we have so much to tell you!..:)
