Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 2 November 16

Day 2 requires that you know the Day 1 menu and set up PLUS add new items to the line and prep for Day 3. Please be sure to go over your successes and mistakes from Day 1,learn and move ahead, and to use what you learned today to prep for Days 2 + 3 with better planning and more confidence.

Class Tasting: Team 6- Here's a photo of what the tasting tray for Day 2 should look like if you follow the sheet. 17 items in all, whole pieces of things that would be cut up or re-hydrated for tasting (just so you can see both forms). Chef should walk you through each item, giving a short explanation and allowing you time to taste each one. If you clean up fast - before 12:45 - it can be done in the kitchen, otherwise, take it upstairs to Lecture room 455. Make 1 tray for each 4-5 students. If you have 12 students, make 3 identical trays for them to share.
When tasting is done, please cover and wrap remains - as in second photo - and store in AM cooler. We can use this to review for tests later in the cycle.

From Day 1 K1 China


  1. Station 4


    I am currently going over the spring roll filling recipe and there is scallions 2 different places in the recipe with different cuts for each, however i only see scallions being added in the recipe once. My question is the second amount of scallions listed (2 Cups, Long thin bias) a garnish and if not when exactly will they be added. In addition to that question i was also wondering if you would like me to divide the recipe into fourths and stir fry in batches.


  2. Good afternoon Chef,
    For station 6, we are doing the stuffed bell pepper prep for day three. I was just confused because the portion size on the recipe says it yields 50 small portions and it says we are only doing 50 peppers for day 3 dim sum, but it says on our tracking schedule to mulitply the recipe times three. I was just unsure if we are still multiplying the reciped because it seemed like a lot.
    We also tried watching the video for the stuffed pepper demo, but it wont load past 15 seconds.

    Thank you
    Sarah and Josie.

  3. Hello Chef,

    For station 2 dim sum for day 3 we need to make a ginger-soy sauce, and I could not find it on the tracking schedule. Should we plan to make that sauce on Day 2 or Day 3?

    Thank You.

  4. Chef,

    Station 1 Sous Chefs here with a few questions:

    1) In your wonton demo video you mentioned having all the stations chip in on crafting the wontons - do you want that to happen tomorrow as well or should we build into our prep fabricating all of them?

    2) The omelettes for garnish of the soup - do you want them done in any particular method or technique?

    3) Chris will be helping Ruth with prepping the ribs for day 3's dim sum plate. Do you want them stored in a hotel pan in the fridge or the large plastic containers?

    4) The ham for the garnish of the soup - what size would you like that cut? The same as the fish dish today or another length?

    5) Is the fried rice being cooked a la minute or in advance?

    6) For tomorrow we will obviously need to do our own demo plates - what time would you like them on the demo table?

    7) Do you mind doing another wok cooking demo for the soup tomorrow? The person handling it didn't get to see it today due to other prep. He has watched the video but would prefer the extra assistance.

    Thank you.
    Brian, Chris, and Andrew

  5. James - It's filling for spring rolls,so you don;t batch cook it. The first scallions go in with the aromatics, the rest near the end to finish with brightness of flavor and texture - so don;t over cook after adding them.

    Sarah - make the filling using 1 1/2 # of shrimp, It may be that the tracking schedule is out of sych with the updated recipe on lone - I'll need to fix that. Ass far as the video loading is concerned, make sure you have the latest version of you media player, I just checked on mine and it runs fine.

    Jamie - Make it early on Day 3. The recipe should be included in your dumpling recipe, you need enough for about 50 1/2 oz portions - so if you make 1 quart, you'll have plenty.

    Sous Chefs-

    Station 1 Sous Chefs here with a few questions:

    1) In your wonton demo video you mentioned having all the stations chip in on crafting the wontons - do you want that to happen tomorrow as well or should we build into our prep fabricating all of them?

    Everyone should help - be ready for a quick demo by 9:00 at the latest

    2) The omelettes for garnish of the soup - do you want them done in any particular method or technique?

    Prep the eggs and get set up with small saute pans and I'll do a demo for you

    3) Chris will be helping Ruth with prepping the ribs for day 3's dim sum plate. Do you want them stored in a hotel pan in the fridge or the large plastic containers?

    Usually a deep hotel pan is best/

    4) The ham for the garnish of the soup - what size would you like that cut? The same as the fish dish today or another length?

    It;s soup garnish - julienne and it needs to fit on a soup spoon

    5) Is the fried rice being cooked a la minute or in advance?

    Far in advance - it holds well. Station 4 should be ready to start no later than 10:00 AM - and it will be done all at once - not in batches. Let me see your diagram 1st thnig in the morning so I can help you tweak it if needed.

    6) For tomorrow we will obviously need to do our own demo plates - what time would you like them on the demo table?

    When they look bright and fresh, they're best - if everyone can GO to family meal at 10:55 and return NO LATER than 11:25 we can have hot and fresh demo plates up at exactly 11:30. Can you make that happen?

    7) Do you mind doing another wok cooking demo for the soup tomorrow? The person handling it didn't get to see it today due to other prep. He has watched the video but would prefer the extra assistance.

    No problem. Be ready early.


  6. Thank you very much chef.
    -Sarah and Josie

  7. Thank you Chef, we will make it happen.
    ~Brian, Chris, and Andrew

  8. Hi Chef, I just wanted to check with you that the day 13 grades were entered for last class. My grade didn't change which seems a bit weird. Also thought you'd like to know that my externship paperwork finally got here. Thanks for your help!

  9. Chef,

    Is there any prep that station 3 can do for the next day??

