Please Read this entire post, it provides specific information which you need in order to succeed in class. The first part is an introduction to how my class is managed and what you can expect. The second part will give you specific instructions on what to expect on Day 4 - the Korean Menu.
Hi, This is where you should look each day for information about the course in general and instructions specific to your class and station. It's VERY important that you read and analyze your recipes, watch all videos AND read the daily information posted here. A significant part of your grade hinges on being prepared for class and these are the tools to prepare with. Day 1 begins at 7:00 AM , and 2:00 Pm for the PM Section. Please be prepared as instructed in advance. Read the entire Blog post Every day, you are expected to be familiar with not only your station, but where you fit into the bigger picture. There will be information under other station's heading which may pertain to you - you will be responsible for knowing that.
It's important the watch all of the "Pre Day One Videos" listed on the Course Website.
Please read below so you're well prepared.
Typed time lines, in the format below, are mandatory and make up a significant part of your daily grade. Be sure to make two copies - one to work from and one to hand in to me for assessment and comment. Each student must have their own, individual timeline, in this format, at the beginning of each day. Failure to have a properly formatted, complete time line will require you to leave class and return only when you are properly prepared .
Use This Time Line Grid to help organize yourself + team to work in sequential order and not forget anything. It may seem like a lot of work at first, but if you train yourself, it becomes easier to do and frees you of most anxiety in the kitchen, making cooking more fun and success more likely.
You are required to use THIS format to organize your time-line ; make two copies - one for you to work from and the other to hand in to the Chef - all timelines are due upon arrival to class at 2:00 PM - typed and neatly organized as shown below. Failure to submit a complete timeline in this format will result in a 50% reduction in grade for not following instructions and being unprepared for class and you will be asked to leave the kitchen and return only when you are properly prepared.
The example below shows only two items, but you should create a similar one out-lining all of the items your station is responsible for. This is not a group or team project - EACH PERSON must create a time line of their own. List each menu item for the entire station, putting them in the order to do them , and include detailed lists of equipment and ingredients. The final column "Method" will put each step of the plan in sequence. Use bullet points and short words, do not clutter it up with a "narrative". Do not "Cut + Paste" directly from the recipe. Think about it and put things into your own words. Copying directly from the recipe or submitting a time line significantly similar to your team mate's will be considered plagiarism and result in a failing daily grade. DO NOT GIVE YOUR TIME LINE TO A TEAM MATE TO COPY!!! You might think you're "helping out" but if they submit the same, or closely similar, work as you, both fail.
-Stock pot
-Cont. for Mire Poix
-Cont. for straining
-Storage container
-Water to blanch
-Remouillage – 10 l
-Onions – 2#
-Carrots – 1#
-Celery – 1#
-Ginger – 4 oz
-Garlic – 1 oz
-Dry shitake - 2 oz
-Kombu – 3 oz.
-Blanch in wok
--Skim/dump water
--Transfer to Stock pot
--Simmer 2 ½ hours
--Add Aromatics ½ hour
---Off heat/Add kombu 1 hour Strain – save solids
| |
Noodle Salad
Pot to heat water
Bowl to soak noodles
Towel under board
Chef’s knife
Measuring spoons
Measuring cups
Sm. Bowl for mustard
Lg. bowl for salad dressing and mixing
-GBSS Noodles
-Cucumber ,thin ½ ea.
-Cabbage,.75 #, 1” wide
-Mustard , I Tbsp finished
-Dark Rice vinegar 1 oz
-Light Soy Sauce 1 oz
-Sugar 1.5 Tbsp
-Scallion 1 Tbsp
-Garlic 1.5 tsp.
-Sesame oil .5
-Heat water for noodles and cabbage Soak noodles
--- -Cut/Blanch/
shock cabbage
--Rinse + cut noodles 1 inch
- -- Make mustard for dressing -1 Tbsp. only
- Dress + hold
I really can't stress this enough. In order for the class to run smoothly and for you to succeed as a group and as individuals, you all have to be well prepared and well informed each day. If you're not, you will be asked to leave class and receive a "Zero".
If you have questions, please use the "Comments" section at the bottom of this post. I generally do not check CIA e-mail from home, but I do check the comments posted from you to the Blog.
Heads up -
Some basic rules in my kitchen:
- If you don't know, look it up
- If you still don't know - ask
- Know your product before coming to class - use Google and Google Images to see unfamiliar products
- Look before you order...10 point deduction applies to ordering items already in stock
- All produce is washed/cleaned before final preparation for use
- Don't prep more than you need
- Don't save cut or cooked foods for service the following day without permission from Chef
- Don't serve "left-overs" to customers
- Keep a clean, moist towel on you station at all times
- Step back from your station every 10 minutes, inspect, straighten, wipe down
- "Yes Chef" means that you understand, agree and will comply
- "Yes Chef" does not mean "Go away, you make me nervous"
- The Chef's desk is not your work station - NO FOOD or SUPPLIES may be placed there without Chef's prior approval
- Metal containers are used for holding hot food, don't store food overnight in them unless instructed by Chef
- Papers, quizzes, tests submitted without full name, or other appropriate information (version of test, etc. ) on page will receive no credit
- EQUIPMENT SAFETY - Never use a piece of equipment you have not been trained to use properly and NEVER put your hand or any utensil in a machine while it is running!
The most common mistakes made class wide, are:
Not observing the Basic Rules
Not having a complete and detailed time line in the correct format
Not analyzing recipes fully
Not researching terms, ingredients, techniques that you are unfamiliar with
Not knowing how to set up a basic work station
Not knowing basic cooking fundamentals covered in Skills such as - how much starch do you need in a slurry to thicken a set amount of liquid "How much corn starch thickens one cup of soup?"
Not knowing basic measurements - how many pints in a gallon?, etc...
The MOST COMMON MISTAKE OF ALL is not following directions - this especially includes the direction to read all material and be prepared for class. If you read and listen and then ask questions if you need further clarification, you'll almost certainly have a successful and enjoyable class.
Cleaning towels - each student will be issued two clean cloth towels at the beginning of each day, these are to be used for general cleaning and station maintenance instead of paper towels. Please keep your station and work areas clean by "wiping down" between each task, or as needed.
At the end of each day, Sous Chefs will collect the towels, count them, and place them in a plastic garbage bag for return to Central Issuing.
Sous chefs Important - please read: Preparing rice, soup, and salad are cooking tasks performed by sous chefs, but sous chefs are considered "Kitchen Management" and, as such, should focus on organization and set up of the kitchen for service, overseeing and delegating cleaning and sanitation duties, and making sure that the food storage areas are clean, organized, and that a proper inventory is taken at the end of each day. Unless directed by the chef, sous chefs should not be washing pots or cleaning floors if there are "managerial tasks" to be done. Sous chefs are expected to plan and work as a team (although each individual should submit a their own time line each day). Sous Chef Timelines must include management tasks - opening duties, setting up service line and expediting, delegating cleaning duties, taking inventory,and using closing check list.
A "China Checklist" will be supplied to you and you must be aware of what plates, bowls, cups, etc. we need for service each day and alert me before 2;30 if anything is missing. A supplemental sheet should be started on a clean sheet of paper. The supplemental will list Item Ordered, Quantity, and Station ordering the item.
Sous Chef's Paper Work, each day you receive a clip board with these papers. It's your responsibility to know how to use them and do so. If not sure - ask in advance. On the Day before you are assigned to be a sous chef, it is important for you to review this.
Menu: You will receive a laminated menu for each service day, be sure that it's posted on the wall nearest the kitchen door. If unsure of where to post it, ask chef early in the day to avoid confusion at service time.
Sanitation Supply Ordering Sheet, based on par-stock system. Amount we SHOULD have on hand is listed, order what we need to get UP to that amount. If we have enough already, fill in blank with an "X"
This is the end-of-the-day cleaning check list to make sure everything is left clean and orderly
Daily inventory sheet. While the rest of the group cleans, the sous chefs inventory what we have for the following day's menu.This allows me to order more if we are short, or back something out of the next morning's order if we are over stocked. Important to do this accurately - it shortens early morning supplementals and keeps our cooler from getting over crowded. Sous Chefs should fill in ONLY the far right column. Be sure to count and record specific QUANTITIES of each items or a "zero"- blank spaces and or check marks are not "counting".
Use the tracking schedule to determine which station you are assigned to on days 4 + 5 and draw a complete and detailed diagram of what your station will look like at service. Include equipment, ingredients, and utensils. Each component should be properly identified/labeled. This is an individual assignment - NOT a group project. Please submit your own work. If your Station is assigned to prepare more than one dish - diagram the station set up for each. You don't have to be an artist to submit a well thought out and detailed diagram:
Here's an example of an excellent diagram which would be considered "A" work:
Here's an example of a poor diagram which would be considered "Failing" work:
Kim Chi:
Everyone must view this video before coming to class on Day 4. Please note that the cabbage in this video is cut differently than the way we'll do it in class. If you're assigned to making Cabbage Kimchi, please talk to me before cutting.
Sous Chefs
You are responsible for diagramming the panchan service station and submitting it to Chef on Day 3.
Spicy Beef Soup, Medium Grain Rice cooked in the RICE COOKER, and setting up the Kim Chi/Panchan Plating station are your main duties. Sous Chefs should make the daikon salad and delegate the spinach salad and soy bean sprout salad to teams 3+4, 1x the recipe for each salad. Team 5 should make the scallion salad - 1x the recipe for that, it will be served with their grilled beef.
The Kimchi is already made and in the cooler. Last class made it for you and you'll make it for the next class on Day 5. There should be cucumber, Daikon radish, and cabbage kimchi in the cooler. The teams assigned to "set" the kimchi will take some out, allow me to show them how to cut/prep it for service, they will then give their kimchi to the sous chefs for service. All salads and Kimchis should be in individual 1/6th pans, together on one sheet tray, ready to plate by 5:30. They can be plated ahead and held at room temperature without suffering in quality, sous chef team should plan ahead and delegate the plating of kimchi/salad plates in order to have 25 plated and ready when we open for service. For the Spicy Beef Soup, be sure to get cabbage kimchi scraps and liquid from Station #2
Panchan Plate with assorted salads and kimchi on a 6" round plate:
Set up the Panchan Plating Station on Table 5 like this:
Station 2 - Half of the short ribs coming from the meat room are for you and the other half for team 5. Take your half and cut in between the bones to form single bones pieces - two pieces will form one portion after they are braised. PLEASE DO NOT cut the short ribs for Station 5, they have a different method to follow. The braised short ribs must be started very early in a wok - it's a tough cut of beef and takes a long time to cook. Please be responsible for helping the sous chefs set up the cabbage kimchi for service each day, this just means that you take the kimchi out of the cooler, get a knife, board, gloves, and 1/6th pan and ask me how to trim and portion it, you will need to give the trim to Team 6, so do this early.
Braised Short Ribs - Kalbi Jim - Will look like this - note the egg garnish:
Station 3 - Be prepared to make both the trout and the glass noodles. A solid time line, ingredient list, and equipment list will be an important part of your job., you have two different entrees to set up stations and coordinate service for. You take care of ALL MEP for the trout and Glass noodles. Be ready to plate fish from the fry area, cooking the fish ala minute during service. Make sure to watch the video on fish fabrication and to draw a complete and detailed physical diagram of how your fry station will be set up. Show where everything will be in place and label each item. The trout is served on an oval plate, make sure you have them on the fry station. The noodles served from the steam table in a deep noodle bowl, have a separate diagram for how your noodle mise en place will look when you begin to stir fry. What ingredients will you need? tools? Remember that the noodles are Stir Fired - that means dividing MEP into 4 batches for firing for family meal and through-out service. For garnish for both dishes you will need eggs cooked and cut into thin "julienne", please get istructions from Chef on how to do this - do not use a non-stick pan.
Remember - You're responsible for curing the pork belly for Day 6 - the procedure can be found in the PowerPoint presentation embedded at the bottom of the Raman Noodle dish in the Japanese Menu.
Trout Presentation:
Station 4 - . Watch this video to get an idea of how to remove the bones from the chicken leg/thigh
And watch this one to stuff and roll the stuffed leg in plastic wrap for poaching
Make your liquid early, make sure it's very flavorful. choose the right sized pan to cook them in - a rondo just big enough to fit the stuffed legs. Chicken must be poached between 165-180F - no boiling! Get rice to stuff the legs from the sous chefs, they will rinse and soak it, you need to par-cook it. Make the your poaching liquid,par cook the rice, cool and mix with other ingredients, stuff roll the chickens with me and start cooking them by 3:30. While legs are cooking, make poached garlic heads and other garnishes. It works best to poach the chicken on top of the regular range and, when they hit 165F internal temp, hold them in a water bath in a wok of hot water. You can set up your plates, utensils, and garnishes next to that wok and plate from there - draw a complete diagram of how this station will look for service, use the wok closest to the Chinese Oven to hot-hold your pot of chicken and use that as the focal point of your station, use a tray stand and the work table across the isle for the rest of your mise en place.With the new presentation you will need a cutting board and slicing knife to complete the dish. "Set Kim Chi" just means that you take the kim chi out of the cooler, get a knife, board, gloves, and 1/6th pan and ask me what to do. On Day 5 you will make 3# of cucumber kim chi, follow the recipe for vegetable kim chi from the web site and scale ingredients accordingly, start this early, there is 2 hours of salting required. Pickled ginger recipe is in the Japanese section. Make it on either Day 4 OR Day 5 - but make sure it gets made.
Station 5- You will be grilling thin pieces of marinated beef and plating them ala minute onto 12" round plates with rice, a small ramekin of Korean pepper sauce, scallion salad, and placing 3 pieces of beef onto leaves of cabbage lined with shiso leaves. Make enough Red Pepper Sauce to share with Station 6 - they will need about 8 oz. Think about where all of your plating components will be during service - I'm not as familiar with K10 as you are - will you need a chaffing dish to hold rice on your station during service?. Draw a diagram of what your station will look like - where everything will be - and a picture of what you imagine the plate will look like so I can help you adjust while we set up. Be as detailed as possible with your drawing - label everything so I can see how you think. "Set KimChi" just means that you take the kimchi out of the cooler, get a knife, board, gloves, and 1/6th pan and ask me what to do.On Day 5 you will make 3# of daikon radish kim chi, follow the recipe for vegetable kim chi from the web site and scale ingredients accordingly, start this early, there is 2 hours of salting required. Do this early.
Beef Bulgogi Presentation:
Station 6 - This is a photo from K1. Think about how you will set up in K10 and be prepared to talk it through with me early on Monday afternoon.
You will be plating from your station. the recipes are all pretty detailed and the videos are accurate, except, when making the pancakes, you will use a flat griddle set over the left side of the grill instead of the cast iron pan shown in the video.There's a photo of the new set up here :
Since you'll be plating from your station, set up a chaffing dish to hold your "mixed grains". You should plan to steam a small amount of rice for yourself early in the day to use for filling the cabbage, Rice for service (Mixed grains and Rice recipe) can be gotten from the sous chefs, have all of your other grains pre-cooked and ready to mix into the rice when it's done. If it turns out that your station is close by to station 5, You can share this chaffing dish with them -1/2 hotel pan for your grains - 1/2 hotel pan for their rice.
See station 5 instructions above so you know how you are expected to share table and grill space. On Day 5 you are responsible for setting up the tasting of Korean Ingredients, use the tasting sheet form the course guide and ask me if you need further information. Tasting ingredients must be ordered with Supplemental so that we have them before service.
Chef, i would like to inform you that when you click on the "knowing your bean sprouts" link on your google site it says that the page cannot be found. Also, i would like to verify with you about the kimchi. So on your tracking schedule i see it says that it is made from the last block. I just want to verify that we are all set to set up the cucumber kimchi in our kitchen as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much.
Amanda Klamut
Thanks for asking. The bean sprout link disconnected recently when Google did an update on "Sites"'s not that bi of a deal, but I appreciate you asking.
ReplyDeleteIf kimchi has not been made by the previous PM class, I'll have some from AM that you can use for tasting and we'll adjust for Tuesday service. I think it's important that you get to make it and talk about it.