There are videos on how to handle Herbs, Lemon grass, and Tamarind that you must watch to be prepared for the Vietnamese section of class, please check them out below or in the side bar of the Vietnamese Section of the Website.
Working with Lemongrass:
Working with Tamarind paste:
Each Station is responsible for making and properly holding Table Salads on their station, watch the video in the Vietnamese section on "Handling Herbs". Each station will be responsible for making at least 1 table salad for demo plates on Day 8, and 15 table salads for service on Day 9.Please let me go over, in person, how to handle the herbs and make the salad. I'll be pretty picky about this being done correctly.
EVERYONE! We will not be using the steam table for any items served on this menu. Since we're not using the steam table, you are required to design your station layout in a diagram. This is mandatory for each person - draw up your plan, bring yours - along with your team mate's - for review and present it to the Chef at the beginning of the day for final adjustment. First draft diagram is due for review at the beginning of class on Day 8.
If you're preparing items for the Street food Plate, they must be placed in 1/3 hotel pans for service.
Sous Chefs: Alex and Hermez
New Information: One of you should spend the day on station work: Make ONLY the lotus rootlet salad, the soup (1.5 gallons) and steam the sticky rice, set up soup and street food stations.
The other person (you choose who) will make 1 recipe of each curry paste from the Thaui menu:
Green Curry Paste Massuman Curry Paste
Red Curry Paste Jungle Curry Paste
Yellow Curry paste
Fisherman's soup - recipe is easy, watch demo of how to cook shrimp in the soup. You can make soup early and hot hold - keep cooked shrimp on the side until service, put them in cups and ladle soup over them. We will make the same soup on both days. Prepare 1/2 gallon for Day 8 and 1 1/2 gallons for Day 9.
Salads - Make 1 recipe of lotus rootlet salad on Day 9
Green mango salad - DO NOT WORRY about it.
Long Grained Sticky Rice (Sweet Rice) - You need to drain it, put it into a perforated hotel pan lined with moist cheese cloth and steam it for 15 minutes. Do this early, it's usually served at room temperature, so it doesn't matter if it's not hot at service. Keep it for the street food station in a 1/3 hotel pan, covered with a moist towel.
Your primary responsibility besides soup/salad/sticky rice will be to set up the Street Food Station. This should be done on Station 5 using one chaffing dish with three 1/3 hotel pans in it to hold the hot food - like the dim sum set up. The street food plate will go to every customer with an entree, so we need to be prepared for 50-60 on Day 9. Each small (8") plate will contain a 1oz. ramekin of nuoc cham (made by station 6), a small portion of each salad, about a tablespoon of sticky rice, one rib, one Beef in La-Lot portion, one salad Roll, one shrimp on sugar cane. It should look something like one of these, depending whether we have time to make any extra items :
Include a small lump of sticky rice next to the mango salad:

From K1 Menu Photos
BTW - All of the nouc cham for the class will be made by Station 6 and distributed or portioned as needed. Station 6 should portion 60 small ramekins of the nouc cham for the street food plates on day 9- about 1/2 full each ramekin. The rest will be used by Team 4 to dress their noodles for the fish.
Station 2: KAT -
NEW INFO: Same as Day 8. Prep Pho for 15-20 and bowls - Minimum of 25 whole (50 halves). If you are set up early, assist Sous Chefs with prep for Day 10 (Thai Curry Pastes) or Tori (Nam Prik Pao)
Salad Roll set up - Remember not to place the papers between the moist towels until JUST BEFORE you want to use them. . It looks and sounds simple, but until you've made a few, it's awkward. For that reason, have all your MEP set up to start rolling by 9:00 AM - we'll get everyone to practice rolling a few, I'll help, and it will be easy. Watch the video - ask me for the towels as soon as we walk in. The rolls go on the street food plate. Each person should make two rolls apiece on Day 8 and 6 rolls apiece on Day 9 - that should give us enough for service each day. Bring to Street food Serving Station in deep 1/3 pan with layers of lightly oiled parchment paper between each layer of rolls.
Pho - You will have 2 types of beef to add to this - boiled beef (already done) and thin slices of raw sirloin. On Day 8 plan to go to the meat room for about 30 minutes and slice the semi frozen meat down there at about 7:30, be sure to talk to me before you go. Plan to set up Station 2 table and a tray stand with sheet tray for Pho pick -up during service - you'll only need to do this on Day 8, once sliced we save the bulk of it for service on Day 9.. Enough broth has been made for 2 days, so only heat 1/4 on Day 8 and the rest will be saved for Day 9. Heat it in a stainless pot on the range ,use one of the Station 2 woks, filled with simmering water, as a hot water bath to hold the stainless pot of broth. The wok next to the broth should have simmering water and a china cap - this is to heat and refresh the noodles in.Draw a diagram of how you are going to set everything up. Noodles should be portioned ahead and held in cups - where will they be on the station? The Herbs? The raw beef?Where are your hot bowls for service kept? Under liner plates for Table Salad, Sambal, and Lime? All of this should be mapped out before you get to class. Check with chef before service if you have any doubts about the efficiency of your plan. You will pick up ala minute from Station 2.
It's a good idea to look ahead to the sous chef's duties for Days 10 + 11 and ask questions before you get there.
Station 3 - Fernando
NEW INFO : Shrimp on Sugar cane - a minimum of 40 portions and read the entire recipe - you need scallion oil on Day 9. Fish- Mise en place for 10 portions.
Talk to the sous chefs about who will do the finishing grill work on these - probably we only have one person to grill both your shrimp and team 5's Beef in La Lot skewers. Watch the video on how to shape and form and also on how to work with sugar cane. Chef can help. You need to fabricate the sugar cane as well, make sure to get chef's assistance with this before you begin.Once the shrimp is shaped onto the sugar cane, it must be steamed until completely cooked, then allowed to cool. It will be reheated and browned for service on the satay grills. Bring to Street food Serving Station in 1/3 pans.
Fried Fish - catfish fillets should be coming in, cut them into large bite-sized pieces and divide into 5 oz portions. You will set up most of your mise en place on your station, the fish portions and seasoned flour mix on a tray stand next to the wok, and one of the large woks directly across from your station will be filled with 6" deep of fry oil and act as your deep fryer. Let chef turn on and adjust the temp on the oil - if you get it wrong, it's a BIG fire - very scary. Draw a diagram of where everything will be and label everything, you can set up a tray stand with fish and flour mix next to the wok and keep your noodles, nouc cham, herbs and table salad on the table behind you - it will make your life soooo much easier. You will be frying ala minute - order-fire-pickup as the orders are called. Served in the wide, shallow bowls with rice noodles and table salad. See recipe for details.
Station 4- ANDY
NEW INFO : Chicken Salad - 2 birds. Ask me about using Balinese Long Peppers instead of black pepper!
Jasmine Rice - 8 cups. Talk to Rin about sharing station space.
Ducks usually arrive slightly frozen - DO NOT put in cooler, allow to thaw at room temp or under cool running water. Make marinade in advance, set up a butchering station with a container for finished product, bones and trim, and a separate pot to render fat and skin.
The Chicken salad is very straight forward - follow the recipe and serve at room temp, be prepared to adjust seasoning with chef as needed. You are responsible for your own Jasmine rice and making enough to share with Station 5. Hold it hot in a chaffing dish on your station. Chicken Salad is served with Jasmine rice and a table salad.Jasmine rice is a long grain rice, prepare as we have been for Chinese Long grained Rice.
Butchering and marinating the duck for Days 10 + 11 must be done on Day 9. Be sure to watch the video on duck fabrication and work with the chef to start the process. Separate the breast from the legs and thighs and Reserve all for use.
Station 5 - Rin :
NEW INFORMATION: CREPES- Make at least 30 crepes in advance and hold warm for service. Beef Rolls - Make at least 60 full rolls, place on skewers for grilling. Remind Fernando to light charcoal around 9:30.
Also, you will roast 1 rack of lemon grass pork ribs in the Chinese Oven for Day 8 and the rest on Day 9. Bring Beef rolls and Pork Ribs to Street food Serving Station in deep 1/3 pan.
Satay Grill Set Up - under hood
Crepes- On Day 8, make 2 times the recipe for the batter, that will be enough for Day 8 + Day 9. mOn day 8 you will only make about 10 crepes for practice and use the rest of the batter on Day 9. Be sure to read and understand all of the ingredients in the recipe, mistakes are often made by people who don't do this. Make batter early and consult chef when you are straining the batter - this is another common place to make mistakes, so get my input before you do. Make and fill crepes ahead, hold at room temp and reheat in a non stick pan ala minute.Draw a diagram of your service station for the crepes
Station 6 -
Tori- New INFO: Cut weight on bageuettes to 150-160 g each. I'd like to have at least 15 sandwiches. Shape and proof rolls first, then set station for speed and efficiency.
Make 1 quart nuoc cham (cut chilies quantity in half it was too spicy, and we can adjust up if we need to. Portion for service into small ramekins - about 1 Tbsp per ramekin. Hold back about 1 cup of nuoc cham to give to Fernando for his station.
No chips. Wrap for "grab and Go" , remember sandwich picks
Check this link for Thai Nam Prik Pao and ask Chef for advise on the most efficient way to make it. I want that finished before we leave at end-of-day.
Weigh out ingredients for a full recipe of Bahn Mi dough on each day and get started on it as soon as you come in, Talk to Chef about substituting some ice for some of the water and holding the bulk of the dough in the cooler overnight.
The roasted pork, pate, and pickles are already made - you just need to set them up for a "sandwich station". Gather all of the ingredients for making the sandwich, you will NOT be making chips and, afer a demo with the chef, you will be making and wrapping sandwiches to"to go" in advance for service on Day 9.
You are also making all of the nouc cham for the rest of the class, we need about 16 oz on Day 8 and 2 quarts on day 9. Most will go into ramekins for street food - you are responsible for that, and on day 9 we need 2 cups to go to station 3 for their noodles.
Hi Chef,
ReplyDeleteA few questions for you:
For the Pho, should I plan on doing 15 portions Day 9?
Should the onion for garnished be halved and sliced as thinly as I can get it by hand?
Is the Sambal I'm using already prepared from dry storage?
Should the sliced sirloin be portioned out and held on a sheet tray or will the slices be okay staggered in a hotel pan?
For service, can I hold the bowls on a sheet tray on the wok shelf?
For the salad rolls, can I prep the shrimp for both days tomorrow?
15-20 on Day 9...let's see how it goes.
ReplyDeleteOnion - yes! If you need help with knife work, ask me....
Sambal is in a jar with a bright green lid
Raw Beef - Slice each piece and lay 3 pieces (one portion) on small pieces of parchment paper. Talk to me before going to the meat room.
Bowls - YES! exactly...but use a 1/2 sheet tray - its more balanced than a full one.
Shrimp - this case, do them all and ask others to help peel.
Great questions! Thank you!
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