Hi, This is where you should look each day for information about the course in general and instructions specific to your class and station. It's VERY important that you read and analyze your recipes, watch all videos AND read the daily information posted here. A significant part of your grade hinges on being prepared for class and these are the tools to prepare with.Day 1 begins at 7:00 AM on Tuesday January 4 , Please be prepared as instructed in advance.
IMPORTANT! - If you were not at the Pre-Day one meeting on Wednesday Dec 21 or if you are assigned to a partner who was not there you should use the "Comments" section of this blog to connect with them and make arrangements to plan your successful Day 1.
Heads up - The most common mistakes made on Day 1, class wide, are:
Not having a complete and detailed time line in the correct format
Not analyzing recipes fully
Not researching terms, ingredients, technique that you are unfamiliar with
Not knowing how to set up a basic work station
Not knowing basic cooking fundamentals covered in Skills such as - how much starch do you need in a slurry to thicken a set amount of liquid "How much corn starch thickens one cup of soup?"
Not knowing basic measurements - how many pints in a gallon?, etc...
IMPORTANT! - If you were not at the Pre-Day one meeting on Wednesday Dec 21 or if you are assigned to a partner who was not there you should use the "Comments" section of this blog to connect with them and make arrangements to plan your successful Day 1.
Heads up - The most common mistakes made on Day 1, class wide, are:
Not having a complete and detailed time line in the correct format
Not analyzing recipes fully
Not researching terms, ingredients, technique that you are unfamiliar with
Not knowing how to set up a basic work station
Not knowing basic cooking fundamentals covered in Skills such as - how much starch do you need in a slurry to thicken a set amount of liquid "How much corn starch thickens one cup of soup?"
Not knowing basic measurements - how many pints in a gallon?, etc...
Sous Chefs:
All China and dish ware must be stored (hot or cold) as soon as you come in and the carts taken back to the dish room. This is standard every day. A supplemental sheet should be started on a clean sheet of paper. The supplemental will list Item, Quantity, and Station ordering the item. Usually the supplemental is due to me no later than 7:30 AM, but on day one 8:00 AM is acceptable.
Rice should be prepared according to the video demo and ready to put into the steamer by 9:30.
The soup Mise en place should be assembled on a sheet tray and set near a large wok so that I can help you start it no later than 9:00.
The Bean Starch Sheets for the salad should be rehydrated early, cut, and the salad assembled by 9:30 as well.
Sous Chef's Paper Work, each day you receive a clip board with these papers. It's your responsibility to know how to use them and do so. If not sure - ask in advance.
Sous Chef's Paper Work, each day you receive a clip board with these papers. It's your responsibility to know how to use them and do so. If not sure - ask in advance.
Sanitation Supply Ordering Sheet, based on par-stock system. Amount we SHOULD have on hand is listed, order what we need to get UP to that amount. If we have enough already, fill in blank with an "X"
Flip Side of the Sanitation Sheet. This is the end-of-the-day cleaning check list to make sure everything is left clean and orderly
Daily inventory sheet. While the rest of the group cleans, the sous chefs inventory what we have for the following day's menu.This allows me to order more if we are short, or back something out of the next morning's order if we are over stocked. Important to do this accurately - it shortens early morning supplementals and keeps our cooler from getting over crowded. Sous Chefs should fill in ONLY the "On Hand" column. Chef will fill in the "Order Column" as he needs to.
Station #2:
You should plan to start the lamb braise no later than 8:30 and the cabbage no later than 9:30, they need to be finished, hot held, and the woks clean before other teams can step in to stir fry at 10:45. Analyze your recipes and let me know if you have questions. Common mistakes are : Not knowing how much cornstarch is used to thicken a set amount of liquid, cutting ALL MEP and garnish for the lamb BEFORE braising begins(you should start the lamb cooking and THEN start working on the vegetables and garnish) and not asking for help with unfamiliar ingredients or appliances.
Station #3:
You should plan to prep the vegetables and other MEP for the Moo Shu as quickly as possible - watch the Vegetable prep video and work in a clean, organized fashion. As you prep, break the MEP for the stir fry into 4 batches so that we can fire them as needed during service. The sauce should be made and pre-portioned into 15+ 1 oz. white china ramekins, these will be held on the side to accompany each plate. The Pancakes need to be rolled out as early as possible - the prep table under the spice rack near the prep sink is a good place to work on that. Ask me to help you get started, but see if you can walk yourself through the procedure and get all of the necessary equipment in place before you ask me for a demo. Remember to pre heat the cast-iron skillets while you prep the pancakes so that the skillets are hot when the pancakes are ready to cook. The dough for Day 2 needs to be made as well, but leave that until last - it's no use being prepared for Day 2 if you can't be ready for 11:00 on day 1. Common mistakes - not cleaning bean sprouts properly or cutting vegetables properly, pre heating the cast iron skillets too hot and burning the first batch of pancakes, not watching videos closely enough to understand the procedures.
Station 4:
Set up the wok steamer and stake out the large wok next to it as "yours" for Bok Choy. The fish is fairly simple, I can demo how to cut it. Make sure to know all of your ingredients and how the steaming process works. All of the Bok Choy we receive tomorrow is for you to prep - cut as directed, cleaned, blanched in heavily salted water, shocked, gently squeezed dry, divided into 4 batches for service. Garlic should be sliced into thin "chips". Please ask me to help you with the first batch of Bok Choy - the garlic can burn very easily if you don't control the wok heat. The prep for Fried Rice must be done, but don't get bogged down on prep for Day 2 until Day 1 is well in hand. You should cook the rice, cool it and store it and you may cut the vegetables, etc and store them for use on Day 2. On Day 2 be completely ready to start the fried rice by 10:00 AM in the same large wok you will later use for Bok Choy - you'll need to be finished with the fried rice by 10:30. Common mistakes are - not understanding how the fish is cut or garnished, not cutting garnishes properly, not knowing what type of ham to use, burning the garlic for the bok choy.
Station #5:
Put 2 pork butts in the Chinese roasting oven at 325F as early as possible. Make sure you know how to use the oven, if you do not - ASK. Once that's started, begin prepping the chicken. Cut and clean the chicken thighs and get them into the marinade, preheat the fryer,make the sauce in a small wok, and cut all of the vegetables, fry the chicken pieces ahead of service - Make sure you understand what type of frying you are doing and how to best accomplish it. All of the MEP for the chicken should be divided into 4 batches for firing as needed during service except the sauce. Sauce can be held in a bain marie with a ladle on your wok station. You are also responsible for setting up a pork carving station for service on the end of Station #5 near the oven. The pork should be held in the conventional oven at 200F on a sheet tray with a rack. When you get an order, the steam table line will pass you a plate with rice and cabbage on it - you will take a pork butt from the oven, slice a portion, plate it, and put the pork butt back in the oven to keep it warm. Common mistakes are - not knowing how to fry battered items properly or how to set up a fry station efficiently, not knowing how to use cornstarch to thicken the sauce, not following directions and getting flustered as service approaches.
Station #6:
Follow the recipes, divide the MEP into 4 batches to be fired as needed during service, assist the sous chefs through out the day - Early in the morning you should assist/delegate the putting away of plates, etc and return the carts to the dish room/store room, complete sanitation supplemental supply order, be involved and aware of the Sous Chef duties - you will be sous chefs in the next menu. On Day 2 you will be responsible for setting up the class tasting, please talk to me about this before the end of class on Day 1 so you understand what you need to do.
OK, I expect lots of posts from you between now and Monday, January 3 at 8 PM. Prep well.
Station #3:
You should plan to prep the vegetables and other MEP for the Moo Shu as quickly as possible - watch the Vegetable prep video and work in a clean, organized fashion. As you prep, break the MEP for the stir fry into 4 batches so that we can fire them as needed during service. The sauce should be made and pre-portioned into 15+ 1 oz. white china ramekins, these will be held on the side to accompany each plate. The Pancakes need to be rolled out as early as possible - the prep table under the spice rack near the prep sink is a good place to work on that. Ask me to help you get started, but see if you can walk yourself through the procedure and get all of the necessary equipment in place before you ask me for a demo. Remember to pre heat the cast-iron skillets while you prep the pancakes so that the skillets are hot when the pancakes are ready to cook. The dough for Day 2 needs to be made as well, but leave that until last - it's no use being prepared for Day 2 if you can't be ready for 11:00 on day 1. Common mistakes - not cleaning bean sprouts properly or cutting vegetables properly, pre heating the cast iron skillets too hot and burning the first batch of pancakes, not watching videos closely enough to understand the procedures.
Station 4:
Set up the wok steamer and stake out the large wok next to it as "yours" for Bok Choy. The fish is fairly simple, I can demo how to cut it. Make sure to know all of your ingredients and how the steaming process works. All of the Bok Choy we receive tomorrow is for you to prep - cut as directed, cleaned, blanched in heavily salted water, shocked, gently squeezed dry, divided into 4 batches for service. Garlic should be sliced into thin "chips". Please ask me to help you with the first batch of Bok Choy - the garlic can burn very easily if you don't control the wok heat. The prep for Fried Rice must be done, but don't get bogged down on prep for Day 2 until Day 1 is well in hand. You should cook the rice, cool it and store it and you may cut the vegetables, etc and store them for use on Day 2. On Day 2 be completely ready to start the fried rice by 10:00 AM in the same large wok you will later use for Bok Choy - you'll need to be finished with the fried rice by 10:30. Common mistakes are - not understanding how the fish is cut or garnished, not cutting garnishes properly, not knowing what type of ham to use, burning the garlic for the bok choy.
Station #5:
Put 2 pork butts in the Chinese roasting oven at 325F as early as possible. Make sure you know how to use the oven, if you do not - ASK. Once that's started, begin prepping the chicken. Cut and clean the chicken thighs and get them into the marinade, preheat the fryer,make the sauce in a small wok, and cut all of the vegetables, fry the chicken pieces ahead of service - Make sure you understand what type of frying you are doing and how to best accomplish it. All of the MEP for the chicken should be divided into 4 batches for firing as needed during service except the sauce. Sauce can be held in a bain marie with a ladle on your wok station. You are also responsible for setting up a pork carving station for service on the end of Station #5 near the oven. The pork should be held in the conventional oven at 200F on a sheet tray with a rack. When you get an order, the steam table line will pass you a plate with rice and cabbage on it - you will take a pork butt from the oven, slice a portion, plate it, and put the pork butt back in the oven to keep it warm. Common mistakes are - not knowing how to fry battered items properly or how to set up a fry station efficiently, not knowing how to use cornstarch to thicken the sauce, not following directions and getting flustered as service approaches.
Station #6:
Follow the recipes, divide the MEP into 4 batches to be fired as needed during service, assist the sous chefs through out the day - Early in the morning you should assist/delegate the putting away of plates, etc and return the carts to the dish room/store room, complete sanitation supplemental supply order, be involved and aware of the Sous Chef duties - you will be sous chefs in the next menu. On Day 2 you will be responsible for setting up the class tasting, please talk to me about this before the end of class on Day 1 so you understand what you need to do.
OK, I expect lots of posts from you between now and Monday, January 3 at 8 PM. Prep well.
Hello Chef,
ReplyDeleteHope your Holiday is going well! I was on intralearn and under the Preday 1 materials the item labeled "Pre Day 1 K1" will not open. I was wondering if this document is of importance or not.
Thank you,
Jonathan Oltz
If anyone could get me an email for my partner ASAP, I'd appreciate it. Vincent Tacconelli.
-Lyndsi Scher-Carriker
Hello Chef,
ReplyDeleteI'm on Station 5 for day one and just to clarify for the crispy tangerine flavored chicken, I've reviewed the recipe and it looks like we are not using the standard breading procedure. We are just coating the cubed chicken thighs in the cornstarch/water chestnut powder mix. Is this correct?
And for the pork butt, are we recieving it boneless or are we going to bone it out in class? Also can we assemble the marinade on day one with our brine or would you rather us wait until day two? Last but not least, the pork that was prepared on day 13 of last block, was it roasted already or beacuase of the break it was just marinated and frozen?
Thank you very much,
-Garrett Saylor
Jon - The Pre-Day one stuff is the stuff I gave out t the meeting. Is anyone else having trouble with the link?
ReplyDeleteLyndsi - Plan as if you will be the only person working the station. Write a tight and sequential time -line which includes things you would have a "helper" do if some one has an extra set of hands to offer at any point. For example - "8:15-8:30 - Peel and chop Ginger, garlic, scallions". That way you don't have to think about it too hard and interrupt your own work to get someone started on helping you.
Garrett = you're right on the breading. Follow the recipe as written. You will receive a bonein butt to fabricate and put in brine on day 1, you should be ready to put it in brine on day 1, marinade on day 2, and cook it on day 3. There will already be marinated pork ready for you on days 1 + 2. Look at what is prepped as a guideline for how you should prep it for Day 3. The prepped pork from Day 13 is marinated and will be thawed and ready for you to put in oven on day 1. We want to get it started early, so see me as soon as we get in the kitchen - make sure you know how to use the chinese oven - watch the video, and if you have a any questions before starting, ask me.
Jon Heeter and Andrew Johnson - I have just received an e-mail from Dan Lipson and instructed him to contact you using this Blog. Please let me know if he does not contact you. In any event, you should each write a separate time line showing how you would operate the station on your own, as if you had no partner.
ReplyDeleteChef, I looked through the other groups' recipes and I can't find anyone working with dried shitakes so I was just wondering where to acquire the mushroom water for my bean curd.
ReplyDeleteAlso, do the dried chilis for the chili ginger oil require any special prep before they go into the oil?
ReplyDeleteWhere does team bean curd set up shop for prep?
ReplyDeleteA few more questions for Station 5 day one:
-Are we prepping braised cabbage for our station or is station 2 prepping it for us?
-Do you want us to make a full recipe of the Sweet Garlic Sauce?
That is all, thank you very much.
-Garrett Saylor and Pat Rogala
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIm on team 4, will the rice be steamed for the fried rice for day 2 and 3 or boiled? Also is the fish skin off?
Chef, also how much rice is needed in total for day 1,2 and 3?
ReplyDeleteThank you chef,
Jonathan Oltz
Lyndsyi - Soak some dried shiitake in warm water for about 1 hour, use the water and re-cover with more water for day 2. The chilies for the oil need no special prep. Station 6 (Team Bean Curd) is the table nearest the prep sinks.
ReplyDeleteGarrett and Pat - Cabbage is made by station 2. Make one full batch of Sweet Garlic Sauce
Jonathan - Rice is steamed, as per video demo and fish is served skin on.
TO Lyndsyi.
ReplyDeleteBack three weeks ago i contacted you through facebook and you responded to me. I gave you both my email and my cell number. The team leader is also aware of this. And both of us have been trying to get into contact with you. I have not received any responses from you nor a phone call with the number i provided...
If you see this my cell number is (609) 923 4766