Please read ALL of this post and ask questions before the start of class. I may be updating information between now and Day 1, so check the blog frequently - especially on Monday and Tuesday.
This is where you should look each day for information about the course in general and instructions specific to your class and station. It's VERY important that you read and analyze your recipes, watch all videos AND read the daily information posted here. A significant part of your grade hinges on being prepared for class and these are the tools to prepare with. Day 1 begins at 7:00 AM , Please be prepared as instructed in advance.
Tracking Schedule - Has been sent out to your group leader as in excel format so that you can read entire contents. If you did nt receive or do not fully understand your assignments for Day 1 or ANY other day, it's yuor responsibility to contact me and get clarification before the beginning of class. Find your name and "Number" (the number of your assignments will be listed next to your name - first person on the roster is "Student #1") and scroll across to see what your cooking assignments are for each day.
Heads up - The most common mistakes made on Day 1, class wide, are:
Not watching the MUST WATCH VIDEOS before coming to class on Day 1.
Not having a complete and detailed time line in the correct format
Not analyzing recipes fully
Not researching terms, ingredients, technique that you are unfamiliar with - if you don't know it - look it up, view pictures and watch videos
Not knowing how to set up a basic work station
Not knowing basic cooking fundamentals covered in Culinary Fundamentals such as - how much starch do you need in a slurry to thicken a set amount of liquid; the proper dimensions of classic knife cuts; the temperatures at which things cook; Not knowing basic measurements - how many pints in a gallon?, etc...
Not being organized or efficient enough to complete the work assigned on time.
Please read ALL of this post and ask questions before the start of class. I may be updating information between now and Day 1, so check the blog frequently - especially on Monday and Tuesday.
This is where you should look each day for information about the course in general and instructions specific to your class and station. It's VERY important that you read and analyze your recipes, watch all videos AND read the daily information posted here. A significant part of your grade hinges on being prepared for class and these are the tools to prepare with. Day 1 begins at 7:00 AM , Please be prepared as instructed in advance.
Tracking Schedule - Has been sent out to your group leader as in excel format so that you can read entire contents. If you did nt receive or do not fully understand your assignments for Day 1 or ANY other day, it's yuor responsibility to contact me and get clarification before the beginning of class. Find your name and "Number" (the number of your assignments will be listed next to your name - first person on the roster is "Student #1") and scroll across to see what your cooking assignments are for each day.
Heads up - The most common mistakes made on Day 1, class wide, are:
Not watching the MUST WATCH VIDEOS before coming to class on Day 1.
Not having a complete and detailed time line in the correct format
Not analyzing recipes fully
Not researching terms, ingredients, technique that you are unfamiliar with - if you don't know it - look it up, view pictures and watch videos
Not knowing how to set up a basic work station
Not knowing basic cooking fundamentals covered in Culinary Fundamentals such as - how much starch do you need in a slurry to thicken a set amount of liquid; the proper dimensions of classic knife cuts; the temperatures at which things cook; Not knowing basic measurements - how many pints in a gallon?, etc...
Not being organized or efficient enough to complete the work assigned on time.
Sous Chefs: Sous Chef s - look at the tracking schedule , identify other sous chefs, meet and coordinate as a team. You are ALL responsible for "making it happen". Practice delegating but, if you delegate, follow up and make sure it was done properly.
Kitchen Set Up - See Diagram on Moodle Page, - this is a "Model" and will vary by the day, but it's a good point of reference to start, be familiar with all aspects of kitchen set up. Speak to Chef about specifics for Day 1.
Food Orders (Meat, Fish, Storeroom) must be picked up and in the Kitchen by 7:00 AM each day.
All China and Dishware must be checked against our China Inventory Sheet and stored (hot or cold) as soon as you come in and the carts taken back to the dish room. This is standard every day. A Supplemental Food Order sheet should be started on a clean sheet of paper. The supplemental will list Item, Quantity, and Station ordering the item. Usually the supplemental is due to me no later than 7:30 AM, but on day one 8:00 AM is acceptable.
Kitchen Set Up - See Diagram on Moodle Page, - this is a "Model" and will vary by the day, but it's a good point of reference to start, be familiar with all aspects of kitchen set up. Speak to Chef about specifics for Day 1.
Food Orders (Meat, Fish, Storeroom) must be picked up and in the Kitchen by 7:00 AM each day.
All China and Dishware must be checked against our China Inventory Sheet and stored (hot or cold) as soon as you come in and the carts taken back to the dish room. This is standard every day. A Supplemental Food Order sheet should be started on a clean sheet of paper. The supplemental will list Item, Quantity, and Station ordering the item. Usually the supplemental is due to me no later than 7:30 AM, but on day one 8:00 AM is acceptable.
Sanitation Supply Ordering Sheet, based on par-stock system. Amount we SHOULD have on hand is listed, order what we need to get UP to that amount. If we have enough already, fill in blank with an "X"
Flip Side of the Sanitation Sheet. This is the end-of-the-day cleaning check list to make sure everything is left clean and orderly
Daily inventory sheet. While the rest of the group cleans, the sous chefs inventory what we have for the following day's menu.This allows me to order more if we are short, or back something out of the next morning's order if we are over stocked. Important to do this accurately - it shortens early morning supplementals and keeps our cooler from getting over crowded. Sous Chefs should fill in ONLY the "On Hand" column. Chef will fill in the "Order Column" as he needs to.
Student #1
Responsible for Moo Shu Vegetables and the sauce: Read recipe, watch video for Moo Shu, but also for vegetable cuts for stir frying. On Day One be prepared to make 5 portions - 1/2 of the recipe provided - with assistance of the chef. Having watched the video, you should be able to set up the station properly for the chef to walk you through the first batch. On Days 2+3 you will be preparing at least one full recipe, perhaps more depending on demand. Plan to prep the vegetables and other MEP for the Moo Shu as quickly as possible, work in a clean, organized fashion. The sauce should be made and pre-portioned into 1 oz. white china ramekins, these will be held on the side to accompany each plate. Assist Station #5 with Moo Shu Pancakes if time permits. Be ready to cook, all MEP at a wok station, by 10:00 AM
Responsible for Moo Shu Vegetables and the sauce: Read recipe, watch video for Moo Shu, but also for vegetable cuts for stir frying. On Day One be prepared to make 5 portions - 1/2 of the recipe provided - with assistance of the chef. Having watched the video, you should be able to set up the station properly for the chef to walk you through the first batch. On Days 2+3 you will be preparing at least one full recipe, perhaps more depending on demand. Plan to prep the vegetables and other MEP for the Moo Shu as quickly as possible, work in a clean, organized fashion. The sauce should be made and pre-portioned into 1 oz. white china ramekins, these will be held on the side to accompany each plate. Assist Station #5 with Moo Shu Pancakes if time permits. Be ready to cook, all MEP at a wok station, by 10:00 AM
Common mistakes - not cleaning bean sprouts properly or cutting vegetables properly, not watching videos closely enough to understand the procedures.
Student #2
Responsible for Cantonese BBQ Pork and Lacquered Pork Ribs: There will be 4-6 pork butts ready for you when you arrive; 1 will have been brined and marinated - "oven ready" - for days 1+2; Pork butts coming in on Day 1 will be As Purchased/Bone in - you will need to fabricate them into small roasts as indicated in the recipe, make a brine, and submerge them over night. These will then be marinated on Day 2 and, finally, Roasted on Day 3.
1 of the pork butts already in marinade is for roasting on Day 1, the others are for roasting on Day 2, put them in the Chinese roasting oven at 160C as early as possible on those days. Watch the video on using the oven + make sure you know how to use it.
You are also responsible for setting up a pork carving station for service. On production days the pork should be held in the conventional oven at 90C on a sheet tray with a rack. When you get an order, the steam table line will pass you a plate with rice and cabbage on it - you will take a pork butt from the oven, slice a portion, plate it, and put the pork butt back in the oven to keep it warm.
Once pork is in the oven, begin prepping the ribs for days 2+3, watch the video for "Rib Fabrication" and follow that technique. There won't be any ribs in marinade waiting for you when you arrive on Day 1 so you should prepare to clean and marinate 3 racks on Day 1 for Day 2 and the same on Day 2 for Day 3.
You will notice that Chinese Spice Powder is NOT purchased from the store room. We make it ourselves in small quantities. Have a copy of the recipe and a knowledge of the process for making it before you come to class. The recipe is embedded in the BBQ pork recipe.
Common Mistakes - Not watching videos, not knowing how to use Chinese Roasting Oven, fabricate pork butt or ribs, not knowing how to make Chinese Spice powder
Student #3
Responsible for Steaming 8 cups of Chinese Long Grain White Rice and Shanghai style Steamed Fish: Read recipe and watch video for preparing rice, set up all necessary equipment and ingredients, and ask chef to demonstrate procedure to class, follow through with steaming of rice for Family Meal on Day 1and Service for Day's 2 + 3 as directed in recipe - rice must be ready for service no later than 10:45 AM. Read recipe for fish, review photo and instructions for Wok Steamer, prepare fish as described and fire in batches of 2 or as needed for service. Ask chef for details of "firing" each day - timing may vary depending on traffic. On Day 1 be prepared to produce 5 portions of fish, on Days 2+3 - 10 portions, or as indicated by Chef.
Common mistakes: not understanding how the fish is cut or garnished,cutting fish garnish improperly, not knowing what type of ham to use, burning the garlic for the bok choy, not reading recipes, reviewing information, asking questions in advance.
Student #4
Responsible for Aromatic Lamb Shoulder and Braised Cabbage:Read the recipes for each, study the photos of the Mise en Place, set up your station and ask chef for assistance in starting each dish. The lamb will take longer than the cabbage, so get that set up and started first. On Day 1 prepare to make 5 portions of Lamb and 10 portions of cabbage. On Days 2+3 - double the amounts unless otherwise instructed by Chef. When items are finished cooking, check seasoning with Chef and then "Hot Hold" in covered deep 1/2 hotel pans until service. It's important for you to be finished cooking and clean your woks by 10:15. Others will need to use your woks for "ala minute" stir fry.
Student #5
Responsible for preparing the Moo Shu Pancakes to accompany the Moo Shu Vegetables prepared by Student #1 and chicken for the Tangerine chicken prepared by student #7. The dough for Moo Shu Pancakes needs to be made, rested, and rolled out as early as possible; prepare 1 full recipe of dough for each day. Ask Chef to help you get started, but see if you can walk yourself through the procedure and get all of the necessary equipment in place before asking for a demo. Watch the video on cooking the pancakes, it's embedded in the recipe.Remember to preheat the cast-iron gridddle and skillets while you prep the pancakes so that they are hot when the pancakes are ready to cook. The dough for Day 2 needs to be made as well, make that separately, wrap and store in the cooler for Day 2..You will cut, marinate, batter and fry the chicken for Tangerine Chicken Recipe, do this well ahead of service, drain chicken on absorbant towels and give it to the student preparing the rest of the Stir Fried Chicken Dish. This MUST be completed by 10:00 and given to Student #7. Look at the recipe and, on Day 1, prepare 2# of chicken (1/4 recipe). On days 2+3 prepare 4# (1/2 of a full recipe) unless directed otherwise by the Chef.
Common mistakes are - not watching video or following instructions for pancakes, not knowing how to fry battered items ( chicken) properly or how to set up a fry station efficiently, not following directions.
Student #6: Responsible for preparing the Smoked Bean Curd and Celery Salad and The Chinese Sea Weed Salad: Through research, be familiar with the ingredients used in these recipes. Do not assume that they will come in packages labeled clearly in English - know what you're looking for. Read the recipes for both salads and on Day 1, be prepared to make 1/2 of the Smoked Bean Curd and 1/2 recipe of the seaweed salad. For Days 2+3 make 1 full recipe of teach.Currently, there are no photos embedded in these recipes, speak with me about shooting some if time permits. Common mistakes are: Inconsistent knife cuts for smoked tofu and celery - they should be similar and uniform; over soaking/under soaking seaweed and wiping away the flavorful white powder on the surface of the Kombu - leave it on, talk to the chef. Both salads may be dressed 30 minutes prior to service.
Student #2
Responsible for Cantonese BBQ Pork and Lacquered Pork Ribs: There will be 4-6 pork butts ready for you when you arrive; 1 will have been brined and marinated - "oven ready" - for days 1+2; Pork butts coming in on Day 1 will be As Purchased/Bone in - you will need to fabricate them into small roasts as indicated in the recipe, make a brine, and submerge them over night. These will then be marinated on Day 2 and, finally, Roasted on Day 3.
1 of the pork butts already in marinade is for roasting on Day 1, the others are for roasting on Day 2, put them in the Chinese roasting oven at 160C as early as possible on those days. Watch the video on using the oven + make sure you know how to use it.
You are also responsible for setting up a pork carving station for service. On production days the pork should be held in the conventional oven at 90C on a sheet tray with a rack. When you get an order, the steam table line will pass you a plate with rice and cabbage on it - you will take a pork butt from the oven, slice a portion, plate it, and put the pork butt back in the oven to keep it warm.
Once pork is in the oven, begin prepping the ribs for days 2+3, watch the video for "Rib Fabrication" and follow that technique. There won't be any ribs in marinade waiting for you when you arrive on Day 1 so you should prepare to clean and marinate 3 racks on Day 1 for Day 2 and the same on Day 2 for Day 3.
You will notice that Chinese Spice Powder is NOT purchased from the store room. We make it ourselves in small quantities. Have a copy of the recipe and a knowledge of the process for making it before you come to class. The recipe is embedded in the BBQ pork recipe.
Common Mistakes - Not watching videos, not knowing how to use Chinese Roasting Oven, fabricate pork butt or ribs, not knowing how to make Chinese Spice powder
Student #3
Responsible for Steaming 8 cups of Chinese Long Grain White Rice and Shanghai style Steamed Fish: Read recipe and watch video for preparing rice, set up all necessary equipment and ingredients, and ask chef to demonstrate procedure to class, follow through with steaming of rice for Family Meal on Day 1and Service for Day's 2 + 3 as directed in recipe - rice must be ready for service no later than 10:45 AM. Read recipe for fish, review photo and instructions for Wok Steamer, prepare fish as described and fire in batches of 2 or as needed for service. Ask chef for details of "firing" each day - timing may vary depending on traffic. On Day 1 be prepared to produce 5 portions of fish, on Days 2+3 - 10 portions, or as indicated by Chef.
Common mistakes: not understanding how the fish is cut or garnished,cutting fish garnish improperly, not knowing what type of ham to use, burning the garlic for the bok choy, not reading recipes, reviewing information, asking questions in advance.
Student #4
Responsible for Aromatic Lamb Shoulder and Braised Cabbage:Read the recipes for each, study the photos of the Mise en Place, set up your station and ask chef for assistance in starting each dish. The lamb will take longer than the cabbage, so get that set up and started first. On Day 1 prepare to make 5 portions of Lamb and 10 portions of cabbage. On Days 2+3 - double the amounts unless otherwise instructed by Chef. When items are finished cooking, check seasoning with Chef and then "Hot Hold" in covered deep 1/2 hotel pans until service. It's important for you to be finished cooking and clean your woks by 10:15. Others will need to use your woks for "ala minute" stir fry.
Student #5
Responsible for preparing the Moo Shu Pancakes to accompany the Moo Shu Vegetables prepared by Student #1 and chicken for the Tangerine chicken prepared by student #7. The dough for Moo Shu Pancakes needs to be made, rested, and rolled out as early as possible; prepare 1 full recipe of dough for each day. Ask Chef to help you get started, but see if you can walk yourself through the procedure and get all of the necessary equipment in place before asking for a demo. Watch the video on cooking the pancakes, it's embedded in the recipe.Remember to preheat the cast-iron gridddle and skillets while you prep the pancakes so that they are hot when the pancakes are ready to cook. The dough for Day 2 needs to be made as well, make that separately, wrap and store in the cooler for Day 2..You will cut, marinate, batter and fry the chicken for Tangerine Chicken Recipe, do this well ahead of service, drain chicken on absorbant towels and give it to the student preparing the rest of the Stir Fried Chicken Dish. This MUST be completed by 10:00 and given to Student #7. Look at the recipe and, on Day 1, prepare 2# of chicken (1/4 recipe). On days 2+3 prepare 4# (1/2 of a full recipe) unless directed otherwise by the Chef.
Common mistakes are - not watching video or following instructions for pancakes, not knowing how to fry battered items ( chicken) properly or how to set up a fry station efficiently, not following directions.
Student #6: Responsible for preparing the Smoked Bean Curd and Celery Salad and The Chinese Sea Weed Salad: Through research, be familiar with the ingredients used in these recipes. Do not assume that they will come in packages labeled clearly in English - know what you're looking for. Read the recipes for both salads and on Day 1, be prepared to make 1/2 of the Smoked Bean Curd and 1/2 recipe of the seaweed salad. For Days 2+3 make 1 full recipe of teach.Currently, there are no photos embedded in these recipes, speak with me about shooting some if time permits. Common mistakes are: Inconsistent knife cuts for smoked tofu and celery - they should be similar and uniform; over soaking/under soaking seaweed and wiping away the flavorful white powder on the surface of the Kombu - leave it on, talk to the chef. Both salads may be dressed 30 minutes prior to service.
Student #7:Responsible for Tangerine Chicken and Sauce. This dish requires three components to be brought together for final stir frying at service. You are responsible for preparing the vegetables and sauce components, setting up the wok station for stir frying, and the actual stir frying itself. The Chicken component will be prepared by Student # 5 (see above), and given to you no later than 10:00 AM. On Day 1 you should prepare 1/4 of the recipe, on Days 2+3 prepare 1/2 of a full recipe unless otherwise directed by the Chef. Prepare 1/2 recipe of sauce for each day. Watch the video imbedded in the recipe to see how the dish is finished.
Common mistakes: Vegetables are not cut uniformly, sauce is not made ahead, student does not know how to use - or how much - slurry to thicken amount of sauce made.Mise en place is not all at station when cooking begins, wok is allowed to get too hot before cooking begins.
Student #8: Responsible for Fried Rice and Stir Fried Bok Choy. On Day 1 Prepare 1 full recipe of each dish. On Days 2+3, prepare 1 full recipe of fried Rice and 3x (3 kg) of bok choy. All of the Bok Choy we receive each day is for you to prep - cut as directed, cleaned, blanched in heavily salted water, shocked, gently squeezed dry, divided into 4 batches for service; the bok choy will be served on several different dishes through out service. Garlic should be sliced into thin "chips". There is a video to watch embedded in the bok choy recipe, but please ask me to help you with the first batch - the garlic can burn very easily if you don't control the wok heat. For the Fried Rice you will need to steam and cool enough rice for Day 1 and Day 2, start very early so the rice for Day 1 is COLD when you start the stir frying process; you should be completely ready to start the fried rice by 10:00 AM in the same large wok you will later use for bok choy - you'll need to be finished with the fried rice by 10:30. The Common mistakes are - Not cleaning or cutting bok choy as directed, under or over blanching the bok choy, not cutting garlic properly for bok choy, burning garlic for the bok choy, starting fried rice with warm or room temperature rice, not allowing vegetables to caramelize in stages for fried rice, scorching the bottom of the wok for fried rice.
Student #9: You are responsible for Steaming 8 (or more, as chef requires) cups of Chinese long grained white rice, preparing, filling, steaming, and having ready for service Shao Mai dumplings and the sauce that accompanies it. Read the recipes and watch the videos on preparing rice for steaming and for shaping Steamed Dumplings and study the set up for the Wok steamer photograph It's helpful to have the rice rinsed and ready to steam by 10:00 AM. The Dumplings should be shaped and ready to steam in a wok steamer by 10:00 as well, for Day 1 prepare 1/2 recipe, for Days 2+3 prepare 1.5x the recipe of Dumplings; The Ginger-Soy dipping sauce recipe should be scaled to make 1 cup (240 ml) on Day 1 and 1 liter on Days 2+3.The sauce needs to be portioned into 1 oz ramekins before service begins - make sure you have counted out the appropriate number of ramekins early in the day, you WILL NOT be able to find them later if you forget.
Common Mistakes:Mis-measuring and/or not timing the rice properly, not resting or fluffing cooked rice, not following directions for dumpling filling or wok steamer set up.
Student #10 Responsible for Hot and Sour Soup and Mapo Dofu (Grand mother's Bean curd):
For Day 1 produce 1/2 recipe of soup and 1/2 recipe of Mapo Dofu. On Days 2+3 prepare 1 full recipe of each. Watch the videos for both dishes, read and analyze the recipes and set up MEP to start cooking both, the chef will then assist in your first attempts.The soup MUST be finished and in a soup warmer, wok cleaned, by 10:00 - the woks need to be empty and clean for stir frying by 10:30. The soup should be held hot in a covered Bain Marie for service, we have a soup warmer which will be set up near the door just prior to service. The chili-ginger oil you make is to be shared with Student # 14 for the Grilled Chicken Wings. Common mistakes: Not watching videos for the preparation of the dishes or the use of woks, not knowing how to use slurry to thicken soup, mis-measuring ingredients for dishes, not starting soup early enough or moving quickly /efficiently enough to get both done prior to the 10:30 deadline; not having proper number of hot soup cups ready for service.
Student #11 Responsible for Producing Fried Spring Rolls and Pan Fried Dumplings. For Day 1, make 1/2 recipe of each dish. For Days 2+3 make 1 full recipe of each.Read and analyze recipes and watch videos for the production of both. Organize yourself to work and prep efficiently. Make the dumpling dough fist - you may make enough for both Day 1 + 2, divide in half and allow to rest, covered. Next make filling for Spring Rolls. Assembly of both will be a class activity, your job is to set it up, coordinate the shaping and filling, and then the finishing and cooking. Chef will do a class demo on both and students will rotate on and off of your station, each shaping several dumplings and rolls. Both items and the accompanying spicy mustard sauce for the spring rolls must be ready to cook by 10:30. Common mistakes: Not making dough and preparing filings early enough. Not setting up production stations efficiently so that others can assist, not being properly set up for cooking and serving two items at once - feel free to talk to Chef about how to set this up on Day 1.
Student #12: Responsible for Cucumber and Bean Starch Noodle Salad and to start the Red Rice wine. Be prepared to produce 1 recipe of this salad each day of the menu. The Bean Sheet Noodle Salad is very straight forward, read the recipe, be able to identify your ingredients,and follow the instructions. Ask chef concerning texture of the noodles after soaking as directed - they should be pleasantly chewy, the salad may be dressed up to 30 minutes before serving. Currently there are no photos for this dish, speak with Chef about shooting a sequence for future use. The wine takes at least 3 weeks to complete from Start to Finish, Once started, you will work with chef throughout the block to monitor and watch it develop. We may take photos and/or video to document the end result.
Student #13: Responsible for Stir Fried Pork with green Chilies. The recipe is fairly straight forward, but you should analyze it carefully, write a sequential time line for preparation and an order of ingredients for cooking. Be sure to watch all Must See Day 1 Videos to understand the vegetable cuts and the wok use. When MEP is set, speak to chef about a demo. There are no photos or videos for this dish yet, if time permits we will shoot some of each on Day 1 to embed into the recipe for future use. Common mistakes are yet to be determined, however, being under prepared and under informed about techniques and ingredients are common problems with any new dish. Be smart.
Student #14: Responsible for Grilled Chinese Chicken Wings. Prepare by reading the recipe, setting up a station with the ingredients and equipment and consulting with the chef before assembling or cooking. If possible we will take photos and/or shoot some video for future classes. Prepare one full recipe on each day 1,2 and 3.
Common mistakes : Improper grill set up, not understanding fundamentals of grilling, not being set up on time, not asking questions ahead of cooking.
Student #15: Responsible for Steaming 8 cups (or more if required by Chef) Chinese long grained white rice and preparing Wonton Soup. For the soup, prepare 1/2 recipe of the broth and the garnish but 1 FULL recipe of filling for wontons. Read the recipes and watch the videos on preparing rice for steaming and for shaping the wontons. On Day 1, once you have prepared the filling and set up the station for shaping wontons, the Chef will do a class demo and each student will shape 5-6 of them. It's helpful to have the rice rinsed and ready to steam by 10:00 AM. The wontons should be shaped and ready to boil in a wok by 10:00 as well - the woks need to be empty and clean for stir frying by 10:30. The broth should be held hot in a covered Bain Marie for service, we have a soup warmer which will be set up near the door just prior to service. Common Mistakes: Mis-measuring and/or not timing the rice properly, not resting or fluffing cooked rice, not following directions for making wonton filling or cooking/cooling/holding wontons or soup garnish;not starting soup early enough or moving quickly /efficiently enough to get both done prior to the 10:00 deadline; not having proper number of hot soup cups ready for service.
Student #16: Responsible for Stir Fried Beef with Scallions. This is a New Dish for the course, prepare by reading the recipe, setting up a station with the ingredients and equipment and consulting with the chef before assembling or cooking. If possible we will take photos and/or shoot some video for future classes.Common mistakes are yet to be determined, however, being under prepared and under informed about techniques and ingredients are common problems with any new dish. Be smart.
Student #17: Responsible for Szechuan Peppercorn Bread and "Pork Floss". It's important to start the bread dough early so that it has time to rest. While the dough is resting you should prepare the other ingredients for the bread. It's a good idea to set up a griddle or several cast iron pans on the grill or stove top and pre-heat them while you finish the bread. Also part of your MEP should be a dry hotel pan lined with several clean, dry towels for holding the bread as they are cooked. This is a New Dish for the course so there are no videos or photos yet, talk to the chef on Day 1 about shooting some for future use. The Pork Floss is a time consuming process stretching out over 3 days. It's important to read the entire recipe before Day 1 and to follow the sequence each day to stay on track. The end result is shelf stable for a long time and has many uses throughout East Asian cuisines. Again, this is a New Dish for the course, so talk to the chef before each step in the sequence so that we can photograph and/or video the process. Common mistakes are yet to be determined, however, being under prepared and under informed about techniques and ingredients are common problems with any new dish. Be smart.
Student #18: Responsible for Northern Chinese Vegetable Salad with Emulsified Dressing and Spicy Cabbage Pickle These are both New Dishes for the course, prepare by reading the recipes, setting up a station with the ingredients and equipment and consulting with the chef before assembling or cooking.The Spicy Cabbage Pickle should be stated on Day 1 and finished and served on Day 2. On Day 2 make another batch to finish and serve on Day 3. If possible we will take photos and/or shoot some video for future classes.Common mistakes are yet to be determined, however, being under prepared and under informed about techniques and ingredients are common problems with any new dish. Be smart.